Pinch – Fantasy in three movements for Violin, Cello and Piano – 2016
Pinch - Fantasy in three movements for Violin, Cello and Piano
The orchestra consists of: Pf., Vc. - Electronic music / S. Fx
Pinch- Fantasia per Violoncello e Pianoforte, draws its inspiration from Claude Monet’s painting called “Impression, soleil levant”, showed in the first impressionist art-exhibition in the 1874.
A pianistic writing has flowing and silent sonorities in a regular 4/4 metre, and a cellistic writing in ¾ hidden polymetric rhythm“in some work’s details”, exalts the solitary piano’s atmosphere.
Melodies, with silent and repeated electronic surroundings deviate us in a space without time in front of an immortal painting. (Giovanni Pizzitola)