Dal connubio “Preludio – Melodia” nasce la cellula germinale che da la vita a quest’opera, il mio primo lavoro discografico: Prelody.
Questo capolavoro nasce da un lungo cammino che grazie ad un impegno fatto di perseveranza, pazienza e tanto studio, arriva al suo epilogo. Nel mio essere artista nasce un grande desiderio, quello di largire emozioni e sensazioni a chi ha voglia di condividere questo mio viaggio musicale, in cui le composizioni strumentali per piano solo e piano – orchestra, sono state portate in vita come se fossero le perle più rare.
Wish, ‘Desire’, represents the first of three volumes of pieces for solo piano and ambient/electronics which, together with Abstractionism and Chasm, form a – Trilogy Suite – conceived as a complete work, unified and coherent in every part. The entire succession was composed between the beginning of 2022 and September 2023, a period in which, in my way of composing, atonal experimentalisms are triggered with punctiform, minimalist and dodecaphonic cues.
Throughout the entire work, there is an attempt to seek a path through the darkness of creativity by starting with simple melodic/harmonic lines and then developing into procedures of an important contrapuntal relevance, all adorned with sharp and subtle ambient/electronics elements.
Abstractionism” represents the second of the three volumes of pieces for solo piano and ambient/electronics which, together with Wish and Chasm, is enclosed in a – Trilogy Suite – conceived as a complete work, unified and coherent in all its parts. The entire project consists of the elaboration of a dramaturgy of drastic concentration of musical material along the lines of the manifesto pages of aphoristic poetics. The abandonment of thematic elaboration and icastic synthesis is accompanied by pointillistic, dodecaphonic cues and ornaments of sharp ambient/electronics. A numerical symbolism is presented within the work: this symbolism refers above all to the number of beats from which each individual track is composed (5 – 8 – 13 and 21); this sequence highlights the principle of Phidias’ constant of the Fibonacci series, deliberately representing an important structural element that gives a further sense of unity and suggestion to the entire work.
Chasm “Voragine” represents the third and final volume of the “Trilogy Suite” of pieces for solo piano and ambient/electronics which, together with Wish and Abstractionism, closes the circle of a long work conceived as a complete work, unified and connected in each of its fragments. The sense of sound subtleties is underlined by the extreme delicacy of the dynamic colours that, at certain points in the work, do not go beyond “ppp” and “pp” with a tendency towards silence, “Silence” being part of the genesis of the compositional thought. Only the sensitivity and intuition of the listener can judge the aesthetic thought and message that this music wants to express. The final idea that emerges appears concrete, visionary and evocative, made up of sound “images” linked to research, coherence and contemporaneity.