Analepsis “Suite per Pianoforte Coro e Orchestra” in tre quadri – 2018
Analepsis “Suite per Pianoforte Coro e Orchestra” in tre quadri
The orchestra consists of / Woodwinds: Fl., Ob., Bb Cl. , Bsn. - Brass: 2Hn., Bb Tpt., Tbn. - Pitched Pecussion: Timp., Vib.,- Percussion: T.T., B.Dr.,- Keyboards: Pno., Synt.,- Electronic music / S.Fx - Voices: S., A., T., B.– String: Vln.1, Vln2, Vla., Vc., D.B.
In June 2018, I change my conception of my sound-world; after a constant and deep meditation, I write Analepsis, piano suite, chorus and orchestra. Analepsis is a greek word that means “renewal”, that is a past tale. This hellenic word, is joined to a narrative development: it tells a past story as regards tale’s time, recovering past events and bringing them in present. In my work I translate philological and musical conceptions according to my personal academic experience in the Academy of music A.Scarlatti of Palermo. It will be performed at Scarlatti hall on the 10th of November in the same year as final examination. (Giovanni Pizzitola)