Trasfigurazioni – 2019/20
The orchestra consists of: Pf. - Electronic music / S. Fx
The first and second songs of Trasfigurazioni have silent and shading sonorities, whereas the third remind us “Analepsis” piano suite’s chorus and orchestra second picture. The fourth contains a different rhythmichal movement and delicate sonorities. The fifth song, in a palindrome way, shows us the return of the second song’s characteristics, and in the second place it gives a more clear and sharpened plan in BB’ sections.
The last song is peculiar to the use of voice with the Sprechgesang technique, in which there are speech and singing, used by A. Schönberg in Pierrot Lunaire (1912) the first time. (Giovanni Pizzitola)
⦁ Trasfigurazioni “Invenzione cromatica - 4’30’’ ca. ⦁ My secret - 4’50’’ ca. ⦁ Frammenti - 2’40’’ ca. ⦁ Dreams - 4’50’’ ca. ⦁ En plein air - 5’40’’ ca. ⦁ Mondestrunken - 3’30’’ ca.